At the Crossroads
I’ve come to this moment,
a real crossroads in my life,
a time when I know deeply
there is nothing I want to do
beyond what nature and the wind
calls me to do.
Of course I can feel
all of those retrograde forces,
both pushing and pulling me,
employing all the familiar tactics
from gentle coercion,
to threats based in fear and violence.
Don’t you hear those voices,
prodding, nagging, and shouting?
You have no choice!
This is how things are.
What will you do‽
What else can you do‽
What happens if you don’t‽
What happens if you won’t‽
And what about those you love‽
Still, aren’t the answers too obvious?
They’re sitting right there
in the middle of the questions,
embedded in the uncertainty.
You must follow your deepest intuition.
Say yes.
Say no.
Resist or don’t.
Let go or grasp more tightly.
Only you can do what your soul desires.
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
This poem was written on January 27, 2022.