Heart Center

We don’t have to resist.

It’s by thinking too much
we make this world a prison
and assume the role of prisoner.

Let others be consumed by details
and write algorithms for immortality.

Then when their souls are weary
from all the computational complexity,
we can invite them for tea or a walk,
and some conversation from the heart.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.
Carl Jung

This poem was written on February 6, 2022.

Brian Mueller

Brian is a poet and graphic designer devoted to finding deeper meaning and beauty through living a spiritual life in community with others. He lives in Dayton, Ohio and practices writing poetry daily. Whenever possible he comes together with others seeking understanding through honesty and personal contemplation.


I’ve Been Told Many Things


Deep Natured