My Canary
Resentment is my canary.
Sometimes I don’t hear it tweet.
Then there’s danger of an explosion.
Yes, I know I’m irritable.
But you should see me laugh.
I can be the life of the party,
if I’ll only allow myself to go.
I prefer writing poems not about me.
I’d much rather take a critical view
and lecture you on how to solve
all of the world’s problems.
And oh, how I prefer a loose-fitting collar,
days that start slowly and before dawn,
time and space to take care of my needs,
and patient people to love me!
Do you know just how long
a good life ought to be?
Before I shrug off this mortal coil,
I pray to let go of my resentments.
“Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”
This poem was written March 27, 2023.
©Brian Mueller - All rights reserved.