The Invitation
The Invitation
...may already be in your pocket.
Have you noticed a strange knocking,
but there’s no one at the door?
Maybe you heard someone calling
your name out in a crowd.
And yet when you turned to look,
all you saw were strangers.
Perhaps once or twice today
you glanced down at your phone
to see several missed calls.
I wouldn't worry about it.
You're not losing your mind.
Someone or something
is trying to reach you.
Sooner or later that invitation
will find its way to you,
slipped beneath the door,
or left in a voicemail.
Yes the invitation will come,
and though you may wish to refuse it,
your only real option will be to add it
to the others already in your pocket.
Then on the day you're ready,
you'll read one of those invitations
as you pass through a new doorway
and out into your spiritual journey.
A real conversation always contains an invitation.
~ David Whyte