The World A’Fair

Battered and fried apples dusted
with powder sugar cost five dollars
and to no one’s surprise,
there’s a line out the door.

Nearby are many types of beer
and foreign-sounding foods,
everyday becoming more familiar
like brown eyes and funny names.

We’re at the fairgrounds,
the most traditional of places,
where locals race cars and
4-H holds youth competitions.

There’s food, crafts and dancing,
from every continent in the world,
but what’s really on display
is the very best of humanity.

*A World A’Fair is an international festival held annually near Dayton, Ohio.

Society is unity in diversity.
George Herbert Mead

This poem was written on May 7, 2023.

©Brian Mueller - All rights reserved.

Brian Mueller

Brian is a poet and graphic designer devoted to finding deeper meaning and beauty through living a spiritual life in community with others. He lives in Dayton, Ohio and practices writing poetry daily. Whenever possible he comes together with others seeking understanding through honesty and personal contemplation.

The Midlife Cricket


Into a Stillness