

Summoning our inner child.

Hey Kid!
Please tell me a joke
because I need a good laugh
and we both know
just how heavy
the heart can become
as we age.

Now let me tell you
most of us need forty years
before we can glimpse
any part of the greater truth
within our own life,
and still this is no guarantee
we'll ever appreciate the path
God has set us upon.

You've no doubt heard
other voices assuring you
understanding comes later.
One thing they forgot to add
is longevity requires laughter.

Laughter is the brush that sweeps away
the cobwebs of your heart.
~ Mort Walker

Brian Mueller

Brian is a poet and graphic designer devoted to finding deeper meaning and beauty through living a spiritual life in community with others. He lives in Dayton, Ohio and practices writing poetry daily. Whenever possible he comes together with others seeking understanding through honesty and personal contemplation.

Time on the Road


Somewheres & Anywheres