In This Moment
In This Moment
Pray help me let go.
Tears swell my eyes
and my heart aches
as thought it alone
must save the day.
My little dog is injured,
hurt his spine,
and now lays immobile,
kept in silence
by heavy pain medication.
I fear
his seemingly tenuous existence
and my obvious impotence.
What happened to my serenity?
Where are the angels
who showed me patience,
who gave me courage,
who revealed the way
from dark into light?
He suffers,
and in my suffering for him,
a lifetime of pain and hurt
slowly comes to the surface.
I pray and pray again
to let go of my need to control,
and for gratitude in this moment.
It is through gratitude for the present moment
that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.
~ Eckhart Tolle