Little Spirits
Little Spirits
...all conspiring together.
The reality of who I am
is often in the shadow
of the amiable person
you think you know.
Right behind me,
maybe off to the side,
sits an angry child,
bitter at the world he sees
for not appreciating
his good intentions.
And right next to him
is a happy little girl
singing and dancing,
urging him to join along,
but he shakes his head
telling her he must work.
There are many more
of these tiny little spirits,
none of them evil,
just faithful followers
I like to keep hidden
and at a safe distance.
If you know me well
you may have glimpsed them.
Just realize those behind you
have likely seen them too,
and now they're no doubt
all conspiring together.
Most people think that shadows follow,
precede or surround beings or objects.
The truth is that they also surround words,
ideas, desires, deeds, impulses and memories.
~ Elie Wiesel