Bite Your Tongue
Bite Your Tongue
...unless you have something nice to say.
There is no burning desire
guiding my pen this morning.
Maybe it's because the air in here
is too stuffy and would improve
if only I'd open a window.
Ah, now that's better.
Here comes a cool breeze
to remind me of what my dad
would tell his bickering children:
If you've got nothing nice to say,
say nothing at all.
And so I gently guide my mind
away from those harsh words
always on the tip of my tongue
and towards a softer language.
I now realize time is too valuable
and life much too precious to cling
tightly to one or two emotions,
as I try to expand my heart
through the effort to fall in love
with this strange and confusing world.
Si comprehendis, non est deus.
If you understand, it is not God.
~ Augustine of Hippo