Slow Shutter Camera
Slow Shutter Camera
It takes long exposures.
I grab my seat
inhale deeply
and begin blinking
in slow rhythm
with my breath.
Gently I wake to see
the speed of this world
from a more leisurely
dimension of existence.
Would you ever believe
I panic when I slow down?
The idea of stopping
seems like certain death.
A still ship floats
at the mercy of the sea.
Perpetual motion
is as untenable
as it is undeniable.
The universe is forever
inhaling and exhaling.
Yet only in a peaceful state
can I take rapt notice
of this giant movement.
If not for those reasons
my life came to a pause,
I would not have known
meditation stills motion,
and the heavy burden of being
can at times be put aside
by seeing my life through
a slow shutter camera.
Drive slow and enjoy the scenery -
drive fast and join the scenery.
~ Douglas Horton