...in and out.
I made it through the night
hour by creeping hour.
My bedroom clock is digital,
and therefore has no tick-tock
to hypnotize me back to sleep.
So I lay there counting,
first backwards from 100,
and then the shrinking minutes
before I must face a new day.
Eventually I heard a gentle voice
trying to calm me back to sleep.
Why do you worry so much?
Live each day as it comes
and rest assured all is well.
Trust that you will heal,
and thus inspire others
in their own healing.
All my other sleepless nights
have taught me not to argue,
but to thank that gentle voice,
and to accept life's blessings,
even if I can't get back to sleep.
I love sleep.
My life has the tendency
to fall apart when I'm awake,
you know?
~ Ernest Hemingway