It's all borrowed anyway.
This notebook can hold
another week of my poems.
But I'm already thinking ahead
to the fresh pages
of a pristine notebook,
and to which color cover will
compliment the coming season.
When I lived in liminal space,
little could distract me from
from the myriad miracles
unfolding right in front of me.
Yet now that I've returned
to the world of relationships,
I plant myself willingly into
the fertile soil of community
so that I may exchange
my gifts with others
as I continue the journey
along life's winding road.
are all ways to describe
my overwhelming hunger
at the start of each day
for the gnawing urgency
to share my life.
Writing means sharing.
It's part of the human condition to want to share things
- thoughts, ideas, opinions.
~ Paulo Coelho