Accept the Call
Accept the Call consciousness.
I can't tell
whether my life
is getting any easier
or's becoming harder,
as I go along.
The clean-shaven wise guy
looking back in the mirror
smirks and chides me,
"Play the game man!"
But I've come too far,
glimpsed enough truth
behind all the lies,
and no longer have time
for childish games.
Music calms me,
picks the locks protecting
my big ole heavy heart,
sprays perfume in the air,
and then gets me drunk
just so I'll dance.
A whiny voice crackles
over an old speaker,
"When ya ain't got nothin',
you got nothin' to lose."
Except I've got things
keeping me up at night,
'cause I'm frightened
I might lose 'em.
The old hippie doctor
says on his podcast,
"Take ten deep breaths.
Now how do you feel?"
I feel light-headed,
but see what he means.
The only real difference
between war and peace,
is a simple choice.
Life does get easier,
even as it becomes harder,
by accepting who I am
and what I must do.
Happiness can exist only in acceptance.
~ George OrwellAcceptance looks like a passive state,
but in reality it brings something
entirely new into this world.
That peace,
a subtle energy vibration,
is consciousness.
~ Eckhart Tolle