Imperfect Lovə
Imperfect Lovə all there is.
That imperfect love
you've been cursing,
desperately clinging to,
silently resenting,
returning conditionally
while hoarding it,
before spilling some out
like cheap beer in a tavern,
only later to chop it up
for sale to the highest bidder,
except that piece you're saving
for a special someone...
that imperfect love,
your imperfect love,
along with mine,
and hers, his,
their imperfect love -
gather it all up.
Pour it all over yourself.
Pour it all over everyone
and all over everything
you encounter.
This Universe
desperately wants
all of our offerings
of imperfect love.
It belongs to the imperfection of everything human
that man can only attain his desire
by passing through its opposite.
~ Søren Kierkegaard