The More I Learn

The More I Learn

...the less I know.

The prophets are gesturing
for me to grab my notebook
and to share with you
what they've just told to me.

I started our conversation
by saying to the prophets:

It's getting harder to know
the more I learn.

It's getting more difficult
for me to climb up that ladder,
I once believed would deliver
my soul to God.

And as I grow in uncertainty,
I'm curiously more at peace.

Then the prophets said to me:

Once you know this,
there's nothing else you must do.

I took a test in Existentialism.
I left all the answers blank and got 100.
~ Woody Allen

Brian Mueller

Brian is a poet and graphic designer devoted to finding deeper meaning and beauty through living a spiritual life in community with others. He lives in Dayton, Ohio and practices writing poetry daily. Whenever possible he comes together with others seeking understanding through honesty and personal contemplation.

As I Understand


To Ash, To Dust