Wrong or Right

Wrong or Right

Which is it?

There's something wrong,
but no one wants to hear this.

There's something wrong,
yet I can't put my finger on it.

There's something wrong,
and I need to look away
to recall what's right.

My life is good.
My work is good.
My health is good.
My marriage is good.

I have a dog.
I have a house.
I have caring friends.
I have a loving family.

So why is it
I feel so uneasy,
like there's something
seriously wrong?

Could it be because
there's so little I can do
about other's suffering?

Maybe it's because too few
will talk openly and honestly
about what really matters.

Maybe it's because
we're all feeling
afraid and helpless.

Or maybe
it's just because.

Wrest once the law to your authority.
To do a great right, do a little wrong,
And curb this cruel devil of his will.
~ William Shakespeare
(The Merchant of Venice - Act 4, Scene 1)

Brian Mueller

Brian is a poet and graphic designer devoted to finding deeper meaning and beauty through living a spiritual life in community with others. He lives in Dayton, Ohio and practices writing poetry daily. Whenever possible he comes together with others seeking understanding through honesty and personal contemplation.


A Little Suffering

