When the means to an end
becomes the end itself,
you may find yourself trapped
working a ridiculous job,
married to a total stranger,
crying at the therapist,
falling to your knees in church,
or attending a step meeting
with the all other mid-life refugees
just trying to find a safe place
to call home.
Even if you have no idea
what I’m talking about,
I assure you the day will come
when no sum of money can buy
the unimaginable gratitude you will feel
at discovering a comfortable place
to rest your weary head.
“There was that law of life, so cruel and so just, that one must grow or else pay more for remaining the same.”
This poem has been adapted and was originally shared on March 1, 2017, and titled Hallelujah Money. The original is included in Tomorrow Could Be Wonderful: Brian's Poem of the Day: 365 Daily Meditations Vol. 1.
©Brian Mueller - All rights reserved.