Take Your Vacation
Take your vacation.
Don't save it
for some other time
that may never come.
Don't count on
a generous buyout
at the end of your employment.
Don't be a martyr
and act as though
you don't really need it.
Don't be a curmudgeon
and criticize others
who use theirs.
Don't waste it
to make money on the side
or finish another project.
Go somewhere you haven't been.
Read a book you haven't have read.
Do nothing and don't worry about it.
Do something and really enjoy it.
Try and remember
exactly who you used to be
when as a child you'd play,
and every new day was
another kind of vacation.
“A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking.”
This poem was originally shared as part of Brian’s Daily Poems on July 28, 2020.
©Brian Mueller - All rights reserved.