Lighten Your Load
Lighten Your Load letting go of some memories.
Some people are just gonna
have to remind me of their names,
and my wife's just gonna
have to find some patience
when I forget movies we've seen.
There's simply too much
for me to remember it all now,
and I'm not really interested
in keeping everything straight.
There's the important stuff,
like the people I live with
and the all those memories
which give my life context.
Everything else is more than
what's absolutely necessary
to make me a loving person
and help me through this day.
There's so much dead weight
sitting in my bag of memories,
why not lighten the load a little
by letting go of the silly ones?
The needed memories will remain
as guiding spirits on the road ahead.
The trick to forgetting the big picture
is to look at everything close-up.
~ Chuck Palahniuk