One Life
One Life
...but we get to share it.
It takes more than time.
It also takes more than
a supple mind and a satchel
made heavy by life experience.
It takes even more
than your failure to love,
or become something other
than a stoic witness
to birth and death.
It takes a conversion,
a reclamation of the holy
and wholly innocent spirit
who bravely accompanied you
on your journey into this world,
and now resides at the core
of your human being.
The spirit wants nothing more
than for you to experience God
everywhere and in everything.
You and me,
and everyone else
are the simple poets
singing from the fossil record
this universal truth:
One Life.
One is still what one is going to cease to be
and already what one is going to become.
One lives one's death,
one dies one's life.
~ Jean-Paul Sartre